Unanimous vote to form the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF)

 In Naturopathic News

At the 2nd International Congress on Naturopathic Medicine ICNM, July 4-6, 2014, Paris, over 30 participants representing national associations from around the world voted unanimous on Sunday July 6th, 2014, to form the World Naturopathic Federation (WNF).

The mission of the WNF is to support the growth and diversity of naturopathic medicine worldwide; support the regulation of naturopathy and naturopathic medicine; promote accreditation and the highest educational standards for our global profession; encourage naturopathic research; establish and maintain a database of Naturopathic organizations, regulation, accreditation, conferences and research activities and work with world agencies (World Health Organization, United Nations, Unesco) and governments to promote naturopathic medicine.

An interim organizational committee of eight members representing Canada, the United States, France, Spain, Belgium, India, Australia and New-Zealand was appointed at the organizational meeting. This committee shall incorporate the World Naturopathic Federation; prepare a draft constitution/bylaws, manage operations, invite national organizations to become charter members and conduct a survey to assess the status of the naturopathic profession in each country.

The first general assembly where Charter members will convene to ratify the constitution/bylaws and elect an executive council will take place within 2 years.

For more information on the World Naturopathic Federation visit our website at



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