October 2005 | Pediatrics

 In NDNR Issues

oct05.pdf_1_thumbAsthma, Children and the Buteyko Method…………………..>> cover
Sussanna Czeranko, ND

Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder………………………..>> bottom of cover
Nathan Vitaro, NMD

Letters and Feedback From You…………………..>> 3

Exploring Blood Types: Defining Health…………….>> 6

Closing the Case on Pediatric Eczema…………………..>> 7

Reversing Autism Spectrum Disorders……………………..>> 16

Patient Compliance and Joint Custodial Living Arrangements…………………….>> 8

Quality Trumps Quantity in Public Nutrition Education…………………………..>> 9

Ear Infection Case Studies.…………………….>> 10

Bulimia…………….>> 11
Treatment for any bulimic should focus primarily on balance of the individual, both physicallyand emotionally.

Environmental Factors Impacting AANMC Members in the Next Five Years……………………….>> 20
This is the fourth of a four part, catalytic series about CNME-based naturopathic education in North America

Branding Your Practice Does Not Need To Be Costly……………………..>> 13

Essential Oils in Pediatric Practice……………>> 14
Patch testing, carrier oils and treatment protocols for common pediatric complaints

Naturopathic News…………………>> 18

Nepeta cataria………………………>> 12
Though most people are familiar with Nepeta cataria (catnip) leaf as a stimulant for cats, it is still relatively underutilized clinically.

Naturopathic Pediatric Essentials………………………..>> 22
Susan Roberts, ND

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