The Practitioner’s Mind and the Healing Process
This article will focus on the doctor/patient relationship and how the state of the practitioner’s mind influences the healing process. What is an Illness? Most physicians would agree that [...]
This article will focus on the doctor/patient relationship and how the state of the practitioner’s mind influences the healing process. What is an Illness? Most physicians would agree that [...]
Tim Shannon, ND Patient: A 16-year-old girl, conventionally beautiful, thin, petite, with black and red hair, wearing a black mini skirt and fishnet stockings. She was referred by a female […]
Riding on a motorscooter, we wound through the parched hills of Eucalyptus and scrub trees under a summer sun, approaching the harbor town from our hotel. On Patmos Island, Greece, […]
Vis Medicatrix Naturae A Case of Adolescent Self Harm Tim Shannon, ND Details about the homeopathic treatment of a teen seeking help for depression, anxiety and self-harm afflictions. The Dance [...]
Stacie Deyglio, ND In his book Thriving in Mind, Body and Spirit, Dr. Dyler provides experiential- and practical-based applications that may be integrated by the lay public to provide familiarity [...]
Stacie Deyglio, ND Dr. Dawahare has created a book containing detailed instruction for following her Four Rooms of Health theory. Basing this theory off of an Indian proverb, Dr. Dawahare […]
Dicken Weatherby, ND It is well known that our emotional health influences our physical health. Even allopathic medical research strongly supports this assertion. Studies have shown that many [...]
David Schleich, PhD Last month we discussed the value to our schools of having an institutional research (IR) capacity. Such a strong IR resource built on increasingly sophisticated [...]
Adam Prinsen, ND This article will focus on the doctor/patient relationship and how the state of the practitioner’s mind influences the healing process. What is an Illness? Most physicians would [...]
Iva Lloyd, ND The ability of the mind to affect the outcome of health and disease is well documented. Mind-body therapies are gaining tremendous acknowledgment for their benefits in treating […]