Stacie Deyglio, ND
Deep Immunity: Understanding Your Body’s Immune System
Dr Anthony Godfrey’s many years of experiential practice as a clinician and a graduate educator have channeled his passion for the teaching arts, evidenced in the third edition of his book Deep Immunity. Written for patients and the lay public, Deep Immunity aims to help individuals understand their body’s holistic immune response: “[A]wareness of ourselves and of our environment is the first criterion for good immunity” (p5).
Unbeknownst to many laypersons, the immune system is the essential key to good health. It is also a highly complex and intricate aspect of our bodies. Immunity itself is more than simply resistance to certain illnesses. This system’s complexity has evolved to encompass not only the physical but also the psychological and spiritual realities of being human: “[T]he real power of immunity comes from being true to ourselves—each of us to our own identity. As we express ourselves with integrity, we enter into a respectful, cooperative, and harmonious relationship” (p2). In his book, Dr Godfrey expands on basic medical scientific understanding of the immune system, while at the same time integrating the important and often ignored subtle psychological and spiritual facets. Collectively, this approach to recognizing the immune system yields the awareness that immunity is more than just a physical defense against illness.
Chapters include the following topics covered in Deep Immunity:
- An introduction to the concept of deep immunity
- How the immune system works
- The causes of a compromised immune system
- Restoring balance to a malfunctioning immune system
- Rebuilding and maintaining an effective immune system
- The role of botanical preparations in immune enhancement
- Dr Godfrey’s clinical experience of immune-related conditions
- Practical advice on immunity from an ND
In this short work, Dr Godfrey offers a lucid and intriguing explanation of the collective mechanisms of the immune system, while pointing out the essential role it has in healthful living. The book also provides the reader with a fundamental appreciation of the immune system’s inner workings, as well as pointing the reader in the right direction toward what he or she needs to know to achieve wellness.
- Title: Deep Immunity: Understanding Your Body’s Immune System
- Author: Anthony Godfrey, PhD, ND
- Publisher: Word Alive Press
- Available from: http://stfrancisherbfarm.com/
- Pages: 103
- Style: Softcover
- Copyright: 2010
- MSRP: $14.99