Call to Action- Connecticut Naturopathic Physicians Association
Legislative Action Update
Dear ND Colleagues, Patients and Advocates,
I wanted to make sure that everyone that contacts their legislators is asking for the same thing. Raising a bill is no longer the “ASK” of legislators; a bill number is forthcoming.
Now and going forward, the “ASK” of legislators is to support legislation to allow naturopathic physicians (NDs) the same prescriptive authority consistent with many other states that license NDs.
The 2015 legislative session is in full swing. Through the combined efforts of CNPA and University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine we are making progress to add prescriptive authority to our law.
Prescriptive authority gives CT NDs treatment tools that bring CT on par with what already happens in the majority of states that license NDs. Naturopathic physicians will be able to provide many more primary care services and natural medicine options to our patients.
The CNPA Board asks for your support by contacting and speaking with your legislators NOW. A face to face meeting is best, a phone conversation is second best and a letter is simple and helpful but is NOT as strong as the first two options. Please go to these links for resources and full information on how to do so.
For info on how to speak and what to say to a legislator go here;
To learn more and write a letter to your legislator go here;
PLEASE TAKE ACTION QUICKLY AS THE TIMING IS CRITICAL. Legislators need to hear our VOICE as our opposition is extremely vocal and formidable.
Also, we kindly ask NDs to please pay your annual dues so we have the finances to support this legislative effort. You can join the CNPA and pay on-line at
Patients and advocates can DONATE to support this effort as well. Please go to this link to do so.
Our combined effort greatly increases the chances of a positive outcome. Please speak up and speak loud.
Thank you very much.
Rick Liva, RPh, ND
CNPA President and Legislative Chair