A message from Amy Rothenberg ND, President of the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors
Dear Supporter of the Bill to License NDs in the State of Massachusetts,
I am writing today to update you on our legislative effort and to ask your support. This program allows you to compose a note & have it sent directly to your State Senator & Representative. It should take 2 minutes of your time or less.
Our bill passed favorably out of the Joint Committee on Public Health in October. It is now in the Joint Committee on Health Care Finance. The Co-chairs of that Committee, Senator James Welch and Representative Steven Walsh need to hear from constituents and other legislators to move this bill favorably.
We appreciate your help on this. If you have any questions about this legislation or naturopathic medicine in Massachusetts, please email me at: amy@nesh.com
Amy Rothenberg ND
President, Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors