Call to Action: Support the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors

Message from the Massachusetts Society of Naturopathic Doctors:

We are hard at work on our legislative effort in Massachusetts. If you have friends or family in Massachusetts, please forward this email to help generate the support needed to get this bill passed! We’d like to think there is some momentum with Colorado & Maryland recently passing laws!

If you would like to be kept in the loop about this legislative effort please send your email address to and we will get you on our email list. We will not use your email for any other purpose.

Our ND Licensure bill is moving nicely through the State House. Last session we passed both the House & Senate and in the 11th hour the Governor did not sign the bill. We have worked with the Department of Public Health to address all concerns and they now support this bill.

You can help by writing a letter this week to YOUR STATE REPRESENTATIVE, asking him or her to contact Speaker of the House DeLeo and urging him to bring H.3674, An Act Establishing a Board of Registration in Naturopathy, to the floor for passage.

Here is where you can find the email & street address for your State Representative:

You can search by town or zip code.

Personal letters about why you’d like NDs licensed in the state are best. All letters must be from residents of Massachusetts and should be addressed to your personal state Representative.

Our coordinated and consistent campaign will get the job done!

Thank you for your ongoing support. If you have any questions please write to me at



Amy Rothenberg ND

President, MSND

Sample Letter From a Patient or Concerned Citizen

Dear Representative _________,

I live in your district and am writing to ask you to contact the Speaker of the House Deleo and ask him to bring H.3674, An Act Establishing a Board of Registration in Naturopathy, to the floor for passage.

I would like access in NDs who are experts in natural medicine. I have used naturopathic doctor’s approaches in other states alongside my more conventional care and like having the choice. I have been helped with my hypertension/headaches/arthritis/_etc., with using gentle and effective natural approaches including nutrition, botanical medicine, exercise and __________.

Thank you very much for your work on behalf of our community,


Sample Letter From a Naturopathic Doctor

Dear Representative _________,

I live in your district and am writing to ask you to contact the Speaker of the House Deleo and ask him to bring H.3674, An Act Establishing a Board of Registration in Naturopathy, to the floor for passage. I would like to be able to practice naturopathic medicine legally in this state. I completed a four year, in-residence, full time naturopathic medical school and have sat for and passed national board exams. I believe people in this state deserve and would benefit from access to NDs in the state. The state would also benefit from tax revenue from my practice!

Thank you very much for your work on behalf of our community,


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