Curcumin May Help Overcome Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis

According to a study published in the online journal Wiley by the Asian Pacific Society of Respirology, new research has surfaced indicating that curcumin, found in turmeric and known as one of the main components of curry powder, may help fight drug-resistant tuberculosis.

It is known that turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and perhaps even anticancer properties. Now you can add drug-resistant tuberculosis to the list.

“The ability of curcumin to modulate the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis points to a potential new tuberculosis treatment that would be less prone to the development of drug resistance.”

For more information, read the full study.;jsessionid=93696A04209BBCF9CA675EB73E65D10D.f02t04

raziRazi Berry, Founder and Publisher of Naturopathic Doctor News & Review ( and NaturalPath (, has spent the last decade as a natural medicine advocate and marketing whiz. She has galvanized and supported the naturopathic community, bringing a higher quality of healthcare to millions of North Americans through her publications. A self-proclaimed health-food junkie and mother of two; she loves all things nature, is obsessed with organic gardening, growing fruit trees (not easy in Phoenix), laughing until she snorts, and homeschooling. She is a little bit crunchy and yes, that is her real name.

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