Message From the President
Message From the President
A rotating column from the presidents of naturopathic medical colleges
Guru Sandesh S. Khalsa, ND
Dean, University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine
The University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine is entering a new phase of its growth as an institution. In its earlier years the emphasis was on building a strong basic program in naturopathic medicine, one with small classes and lots of opportunity for close contact between instructors and students. And while our efforts to improve the core program continue, the College is undertaking efforts to develop areas of excellence based on areas of expertise in the full-time faculty. The initiatives encompass both didactic and clinical training. Some of the highlights include the following.
Dr. Jody Noé has authored an article to appear next month in Integrative Cancer Therapies. She is supervising a clinic shift with a focus on endocrine diseases and oncology; she is also the instructor for the courses on these subjects. Dr. Jared Skowron teaches pediatrics and oversees a clinic shift focusing on pediatric diseases and autism spectrum disorders. Dr. Skowron has authored a book, Fundamentals of Naturopathic Pediatrics, and is certified in treating autism spectrum disorders by Defeat Autism Now (DAN). Dr. Peter D’Adamo, well-known author of Eat Right For Your Type and other books and a part-time member of the clinical faculty, is overseeing a clinic shift based on personalized medicine.
In a foray into integrative medicine, the College has developed a relationship with a local major hospital, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, which allows naturopathic students to participate in internal medicine rounds alongside medical students. This is both a great opportunity for expanding clinical training opportunities as well as making connections with medical practitioners.
The course sequence in botanical medicine has been expanded under the guidance of full-time faculty members Dr. Jody Noé and Dr. Eugene Zampieron, co-author of The Natural Medicine Chest, Arthritis–Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide and other books.
The College is grateful to all of its faculty members for the expertise, dedication and love they bring to the education of our future colleagues.
Guru Sandesh Singh Khalsa, ND graduated from NCNM in 1978. He also holds bachelor’s degrees, in physics from Occidental College and in human biology from Kansas Newman College. Khalsa has been an institutional representative member of the CNME board since August 2007, and is vice president of the board of the AANMC and is its representative on the board of the AANP. He also is the AANMC representative on the board of the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care (ACCAHC).