August 2005 | Autoimmune
Treating Autoimmune Disease Using Naturopathic Principles…………………….cover
Leslie Axelrod, ND, LAc
Clinical Rounds in Functional and Nutritional Medicine: Fatigue: Functional Hypothyroidism……………………..>> bottom of cover
David M. Brady, ND, DC, CCN, DACBN
Exploring Blood Types.…………………………….>> 5
Blood type is a guide and a foundation, however it is always important to understand and treat the whole person.
Breakthrough Techniques for Managing Fibromyalgia Syndrome………………………………..>> 8
The treatment course will depend on the influences the patient has experienced from the environment, various stressors, an accident or injury, infection, toxicity, and genetic patterns.
Naturopathic Treatment of Anorectal Disorders……………………>> 15
A considerable number of patients suffer from some type of anorectal condition in their lives, but often do not discuss it with their physician until it becomes very uncomfortable.
Philosophy in Action: The 2nd Annual Naturopathic Gathering………………………..>> 10
Commercial Leasing: For most healthcare professionals, real estate is their second largest overhead expense…………………………………>> 11
Businesses spend significantly more money on their physical work environment than they should-particularly when leasing space.
Immunomodulating Herbs and Auto Immune Disease.………………………….>> 12
Simplistic ideas about the mechanisms of these herbs based on in vitro studies or theoretical models are not a sound basis for making clinical decisions.
But It’s a Dry Heat!………………………….>> 13
Clinical dehydration and yin deficiency in chronic disease.
How to Avoid Three Common Pitfalls that Stunt Your Practice Growth…………………..>> 17
Naturopathic News.………………………>> 19
Comprehensive Treatment for Tennis Elbow Including Autologous Blood Injection Therapy…………………..>> 20
The Problem with the ‘Normative Curriculum’……………………….. >> 22
The third of a four-part catalytic series about CNME-based naturopathic medical education in North America.
Naturopathic Management of Coagulation in Atrial Fibrillation Alternatives to Warfarin Therapy- Part Two………………………..>> 23