June 2010 | Mind-Body Medicine

 In NDNR Issues

NDNR June 10 CoverAt-Home Guided ImageryA cost-effective and accessible therapy for common conditions featuring a mind-body “disconnect.”
Anesia Groves, NMD
Guided imagery may provide a means for practitioners to help patients shift from a state of being “disconnected” to a state of empowered awareness.

The Impact of the Mind on Sleep
Iva Lloyd, BSCH, RHN, RPP, ND
Takes a close look at some of the varied causes of non-restful sleep, and at the impact an unsettled mind has on brain activity.

Electroencephalogram Use in Autistic Disorder Assessment
Steven Rondeau, NMD, BCIA-EEG
Discusses use of the EEG to evaluate autistic spectrum disorders, and includes several imaging examples.

Pursuing the Whole
Michael Byrne, MA, ND
Considers the interconnectedness of the mind and body with the heart, spirit, family, culture and environment, and offers assessment and treatment perspectives from the psychotherapy field.

Creating a Healing Space in Our Everyday Practice
Lena Kian, ND
Explains how early healing truly can begin … as soon as a patient enters the office, well before they start a treatment protocol.

Special Section
NDNR: 5th Anniversary!
NDNR celebrates a milestone. This issue marks 5 full years of coverage of the naturopathic industry by NDNR since its inception with the June 2005 inaugural issue. Colleagues weigh in on our progress. Past issues are highlighted to emphasize the publication’s accomplishments. If you’ve missed any of our content over the years, archives are available at ndnr.com.

Ayurveda and Mind-Body Medicine
Virender Sodhi, MD (Ayurved), ND
Offers the history, philosophy and more about Ayurvedic medicine and how to use this ancient system to help balance the body and eliminate disease.

Naturopathic News
Association Spotlight
C. Stockton Jacobs, ND, CNS
South Carolina Association of Naturopathic Physicians (SCANP)

Botanical Insights
Tree Medicine: Connecting Heaven and Earth
Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH(AHG)
Explores numerous healing options that trees provide from their many parts, including the bark, sap, flower and fruit.

Similar Thought
Treatment of Autistic Siblings
Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND
Describes a case study focusing on the elder of two autistic brothers, born two years apart.

Nature Cure Clinical Pearls
Chromotherapy: Let There Be Light
Sussanna Czeranko, ND
Explains how early naturopaths used color therapy to treat patients, and describes treatment applications for various colors.

Housing Naturopathic Education
David Schleich, PhD
Discusses how choosing a higher education home for naturopathic medicine isn’t what it used to be.

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