March 2012 | Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia
Toxicity and Depression…………………….>>cover
Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc
Adolescent Insomnia: Diagnosis and Treatment Protocols for Sleep Disorders………………………….>> bottom of cover
Lisa Watson, ND
How to Make or Break the Outcome of Borderline Personality Disorder…………………>>7
Tara Peyman, ND
Diagnosing and treating patterns of relationship instability, fluctuating moods, and unpredictable behavior.
Aesthetic Medicine for the ND………..>>10
John Hahn, DPM, ND
Using state-of-the-art handheld instruments for in-office treatment of skin lesions.
The Chitari Foundation……………………>>12
Satya Ambrose, LAc, ND
A best of all worlds approach to health care, including a case study.
Put More Value Into Running Your Practice………………………………….>>17
James Maskell
How to “poke the box” and create more value for your practice.
Botanicals for Emotional Illnesses…………………………………………>>19
Jillian Stansbury, ND
Perspective from Dr Stansbury’s studies in Peru.
Media Resources for NDs……………….>>21
Stacie Deyglio, ND
A Review of Current Media Resources for the Naturopathic Industry
Message From the President………….>>22
Bob Bernhardt, PhD
The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Integrative Medicine……………………….>>30
David Schleich, PhD
What, Me Worry?
Walking a Tightrope………………………..>>24
Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND
Case study of depression in a 68-year-old woman.
The “Lowe” Down on Thyroid…………………….>>26
Mark Swanson, ND
Dr John Lowe discusses the compelling link between fibromyalgia and the functional disorder of the thyroid.
Hydrotherapy Protocols for Sleep Disorders……………………………………….>>28
Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE
Applications and contraindications of the protracted neutral bath.