November 2006 | Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome

 In NDNR Issues

nov06.pdf_1_thumbDiagnosing LADA: The “Unknown” Type of Diabetes………………………….>> cover
Mona Morstein, ND

Amino Acids and the Human Kidney Therapeutic Rationale……………………………>> bottom of cover
Quinn Rivet, ND

The Role of Insulin in Metabolic Syndrome ……………………………………>>8
Mary Shackleton, ND, MPH
How insulin resistance is an underlying cause.

Functional and Nutritional Medicine ……………………..>>10
David M. Brady, ND, DC, CCN, DACBN
A case study of multi-endocrine and metabolic dysfunction.

Walking the Tightrope ………………….>>12
Ryan Bradley, ND
Diabetes management in naturopathic primary care.

Evidence for the Metabolic Cause of Autism …………………………………..>>14
Jacob Schor, ND
Autism’s link with heavy metals, and Vitamin B12 therapy.

Drop Dosing and the Vital Force …………………………………>>15
Keith Spaulding, ND. Lac
The concept of and uses for drop dosing.

Cinnamon, Spice and Everything Nice ……………………… >>16
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH(AHG)
Insulin-sensitizing spices.

Discussing the Impacts of Environmental Contaminants on Human Health …………………………..>>17
Mitch Kennedy, ND
Avian flu prevention and possible treatment using nutritional supplements.

Message from the President ……………..>>18
Gannady Raskin, MD, ND, of Bastyr University
A rotating column from the presidents of CNME accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges

Find Out What’s Happening in the Naturopathic Medical Community ………>>18

Lab Work for Metabolic Syndrome …………………………..>>20
Shaida Sina, ND
Using laboratory medicine to help diagnose patients.

How Sweet It Is ………………………….>>21
Joe Kellerstein, DC, ND
Homeopathy can help stabilize patients with diabetes.

Science vs. Nature and the Naturopathic Field ………………………>>22
David Schleich, PhD Part 7.

Confessions of an Introvert …………..>>23
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