NODE SMITH, ND Fast reactions to future events are crucial. A boxer, for example, needs to respond to her opponent in fractions of a second in order to anticipate and […]
NODE SMITH, ND Unplanned purchases are an important profit source for retailers. Because looking at products is always the first step in making a purchase decision, retailers apply various [...]
Node Smith, ND Perhaps no region of the brain is more fittingly named than the claustrum, taken from the Latin word for “hidden or shut away.” The claustrum is an […]
Node Smith, ND Neurons in both males and females make estrogen and scientists have shown that when they don’t, their brains have significantly less dense spines and synapses – both [...]
Node Smith, ND We all know that driving under the influence of alcohol isn’t a good idea. Our focus is impaired, our concentration is diminished and our reaction time is […]
Node Smith, ND A recent study reviewed existing evidence associating various psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations as well as problems with concentration and anxiety with methylphenidate, a [...]
Naturopathic Perspective Jim Massey, ND The Latin phrase, “cura te ipsum” (physician heal thyself), is often attributed to Hippocrates, the man considered to be the “Father of Medicine.” [...]
Brad S. Lichtenstein, ND, BCB On Christmas Day, Sally, an energetic 45-year-old mother of 3, all under the age of 10, woke with a headache. After taking what she thought […]
John Dye, ND Tough decisions: What are parents to do when their child is obviously having trouble staying focused in school … and falling behind in their studies … getting […]
Tim Shannon, ND Comments: The father, who sought me out, was very excited about homeopathic treatment. The mother, however, was very skeptical. This patient often had impressive symptomatic [...]