Tolle Causam Sharum Sharif, ND In my general, primary care practice, 1 out of every 4 patients has a skin disorder/condition. As many of you know, treating skin conditions/disorders can be […]
Tolle Causam Hal Brown, ND, DC, RAc “Maybe I should find another doctor; one who realizes the importance of scars.” (Rasmenia Massoud, Human Detritus) Over 20 years ago I attended […]
Docere Donald Brown, ND Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common vaginal infection causing significant gynecological and obstetric morbidity. Although no single pathogen has been identified as the [...]
Hal Brown, BA, DC, ND, RAc Influenza: from the French word, influentia, which refers to the belief that epidemics were caused by the influence of the stars. Patient Care In […]