Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From Northwestern University- Imagine visiting the doctor, answering a few basic questions and getting an on-the-spot estimate of whether you’ll experience heart [...]
JACOB SCHOR, ND, FABNO Consider how cause and effect might apply to mouse traps. It is easy to assume that mouse traps are associated with greater murine mortality, and based on [...]
NODE SMITH, ND A study of nearly 108,000 people has found that people who regularly drink a modest amount of alcohol are at increased risk of atrial fibrillation, a condition […]
Primum Non Nocere Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO Vitamin B12 may not be as safe as we once thought. Our routine of injecting vitamin B12 indiscriminately into anyone who wants more energy just might not [...]
Node Smith, ND, While Intermittent fasting may sound like another dieting craze, the practice of routinely not eating and drinking for short periods of time has shown again to lead […]
Node Smith, ND People suffering from insomnia may have an increased risk of coronary artery disease, heart failure and stroke, according to new research in the American Heart Association’s [...]
Recent Research Confirms Aerobic Exercise Necessary for Heart Failure Patients It’s well known that exercise is good for the body, good for the heart, good for the mind; exercising is […]
It’s Finally Here, Ladies and Gentlemen, a Pill to Replace Exercise Well, at least for individuals suffering from heart failure, who may not be able to stand the physical strains […]