The Vital Conversation James Sensenig, NDMona Morstein, ND, DHANP This article joins a series of articles in NDNR that are based on transcripts of the Naturopathic Medicine [...]
STEPHEN W. PARCELL, ND Too often, patients seeking age-management medicine tend to be most interested in their appearance. Because of this demand, medical [...]
Node Smith, ND In Switzerland, more than 400,000 people suffer from type 2 diabetes, a serious metabolic disorder that is constantly increasing obesity by promoting the resistance action of [...]
Tolle Totum Deborah McKay, ND I view the menopausal transition as “puberty in reverse,” complete with shifts in hormones that dictate bodily changes. In some cases this hormonal shift can […]
Student Scholarship Honorable Mention Far Rahman Ralph Esposito, ND, LAc An individual’s blood type has a considerable influence on many aspects of health, including digestion of food, stress [...]
Tolle Causam Alison Chen, ND The obesity epidemic has long been recognized as a fight against excessive calorie consumption and a sedentary lifestyle. Despite these well-known contributors, [...]
Richard Maurer, ND Docere “What is the single most helpful blood test, beyond what is usually done, that I can ask my doctor to order for me?” I received this […]
Steven Sandberg-Lewis, ND, DHANP “The liver is the most affected organ in both hypo- and hyperthyroidism.”1 The association between insulin resistance/metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic [...]
Richard Maurer, ND There lies a chasm between conventional medical treatment of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and the empowered language of ancestral health. The conventional medical definition [...]