COLEEN MURPHY, ND, LAC Roberts’ Formula is a traditional naturopathic remedy with a long history of use for common digestive disorders. This abstract examines the origins of [...]
JAMES SENSENIG, ND Treatments for GI Imbalances Reduce Stress, Improve Lifestyle The most obvious ways to correct gut problems are looking at how and when we [...]
JAMES SENSENIG, ND This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to preserve and promote the principles [...]
CHRIS D. MELETIS, ND Autoimmune diseases afflict a considerable portion of the population, with recent numbers indicating that 15.9% of the US population, or [...]
Docere Heather Herington, BSc, NMD, DHANP There’s nothing like having your own “incurable” disease to sense the impact of naturopathic medicine, especially when you – a naturopathic doctor – [...]
Tolle Causam Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS Are you noticing the growing epidemic of autoimmunity? As the number of Americans suffering from autoimmunity has reached 25-50 million1 and that […]
Keegan Sheridan, ND Tolle Causam According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 23.5 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease. Epidemiological data provide evidence that this [...]
Maria Del Mar Rodriguez-Berrios, ND Vis Medicatrix Naturae Early childhood is a critical phase in terms of being exposed to a variety of microbes and developing strong immunity.1 When I […]
Alisun Bonville, ND Docere Leaky gut, ie, increased intestinal permeability, is a term that gets a lot of attention on health blogs and advertisements these days. Many Americans are curious […]
Amanda Hegnauer, ND To discuss the importance of how food allergies or autoimmunity are influenced by the immune system, one must have a basic understanding of the system itself. The […]