From Ritsumeikan University Breathing patterns are an important indicator of an individual’s health. A healthy individual breathes naturally using primary respiratory muscles (e.g., [...]
CATHERINE CLINTON, ND As the novel SARS-CoV-2 continues to make its way across the globe, naturopathic medicine becomes more and more important. This coronavirus is new, so there is still a lot [...]
Nature Cure Clinical Pearls Jared L. Zeff, ND, VMNI, LAc The following is a not an article prepared for a medical journal. Rather, this is a commentary on the medicine, […]
Node Smith, ND Dr. John E. Parker was working at a West Virginia hospital in 2015 when a 31-year-old female patient was admitted with acute respiratory problems. A team of […]
Student Scholarship – Second Place Case Study Courtney K. Pickworth, BA Lai Chim Chan, ND Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a significant public health concern associated with increased [...]
Node Smith, ND Scientists at Stanford University have designed an electrocatalytic mechanism that works like a mammalian lung to convert water into fuel. Their research, published December 20th [...]
Heather Paulson, ND, FABNO The number of adults who have survived childhood cancer is rapidly increasing. The likelihood that NDs will be responsible for monitoring the late effects of cancer [...]
Eric Blake, ND, Dipl. Ac. Naturopathic physical medicine has played a long and vital role in the healing arts. Hippocrates, in addition to recognizing his patients’ essential need for adequate [...]
Mitch Kennedy, ND Species of molds that grow in ventilation systems, water damaged areas of buildings, or areas exposed to flood waters will discharge volatile compounds during their lifecycle. [...]