JAKE F. FELICE, ND, LMP Autoimmune conditions and diseases of the nervous system are typically chronic, often have an early age of onset, and frequently [...]
Node Smith, ND Droplets of fat inside our cells are helping the body’s own defense system fight back against infection, University of Queensland researchers have discovered. The [...]
Node Smith, ND Most traditional cancer therapies target either the tumor cells themselves or indiscriminately kill any rapidly dividing cell. New findings by researchers at University of [...]
Vis Medicatrix Naturae Nazanin Vassighi, ND Michael Lehman, ND “How does homeopathy really work? And how do we know that it was actually the ‘remedy’ that brought resolution to the […]
Student Scholarship – Second Place Research Review Stephanie Berg, ND Baljit Khamba, ND, MPH Sabrina Koperski, ND In July 2018, J.A., a 54-year-old Caucasian female, presented to the Bastyr [...]
Node Smith, ND New research from the School of Veterinary Medicine provides a possible mechanism by which alcohol, cigarette smoke, and exposure to certain medications and toxins can weaken bone. [...]
Student Scholarship Honorable Mention Alexandra Francis, ND, MS, CNS Marie Winters, ND, FABNO All disease begins in the gut. ~ (Hippocrates) “When in doubt, treat the gut” is an excellent [...]