From University of Melbourne Australian doctors are more likely to be sued for medical negligence if they are unhappy, overworked, working in rural areas, or if they have suffered a […]
JEREMY APPLETON, ND Sceletium tortuosum (aka Mesembryanthemum tortuosum) is a South African plant medicine with a centuries-long history of use. Not all Sceletium preparations are [...]
NODE SMITH, ND Special immune cells found in the brain, microglia, play a key role in the processes that make you feel uneasy and depressed in correlation with inflammation. This […]
NODE SMITH, ND For many years, clinicians have been hesitant to diagnose adolescents with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), believing it was a mental health “death sentence” for [...]
JESSICA BRANDES, ND If microbes are controlling the brain, then microbes are controlling everything. (John F. Cryan) According to a recent 3-part study conducted on behalf of the American [...]
Node Smith, ND Simple exercises can help to make people more playful and consequently feel more satisfied with their lives. This has been revealed in a new study by psychologists […]
Integrative Cannabis Rob Streisfeld, NMD Don’t judge a book by its cover. I am sure you’ve heard this phrase many times, but if the cover being referred to is the […]
Student Scholarship – Second Place Case Study Courtney K. Pickworth, BA Lai Chim Chan, ND Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a significant public health concern associated with increased [...]
Node Smith, ND A recent article supports the notion that simply smiling can actually make people feel happier.1 The conclusion comes from a team of research psychologists who combined data […]
Node Smith, ND Psychology researchers have found another reason that sleep, mood and stress are important: they affect the extent to which older adults feel they have control over their […]