Tolle Causam Jessica Moore, ND, FABNO Over 15% of human cancers can be attributed to infectious agents, and current research suggests that 1/3 to 1/2 of these cases may be […]
Vis Medicatrix Naturae Benton Bramwell, ND In Greek and traditional Arabic medicine, Arum palaestinum has a long history of diverse clinical applications, including the treatment of various [...]
Node Smith, ND A new blood test that predicts the overall risk for prostate cancer was presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) on May […]
Phranq D. Tamburri, NMD Docere You will never find the answer if you don’t understand the question. (Proverb) So, your 58-year-old patient presents to your office with a “PSA problem.” […]
Phranq D. Tamburri, NMD It seems that every 6 months during the past 3 years a different health organization has announced new guidelines for the screening of cancer of the […]
Mark Swanson, ND Interview With Marcel Hernandez, ND The naturopathic oncologist who triumphs over his or her own cancer most certainly gains a deeply personal and unique perspective when they [...]
Lena Suhaila, ND Cancer is characterized by a loss of cellular control on the physical level; it follows that it is natural to experience a loss of control on the […]
Dicken Weatherby, ND and Donald R. Yance, CN, MH, RH The majority of Americans older than 40 or 50 years of age live highly stressful lives. They tend to use […]
Eric Yarnell, ND Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a protease produced by prostate cells to liquefy the semen. Though it is found in non-prostatic cells in minute amounts, it is largely […]