
Anti-Aging, Dermatology

Psoriasis: Resolution Using Naturopathic Intervention

Student Scholarship – 2nd Place Case Study  LILLEA HARTWELL, ND LESLIE AXELROD, ND, LAC  Psoriasis affects more than 8 million adults in the United States.1 There are several types of psoriasis, but most psoriatic lesions consist of circumscribed, red, thickened plaques overlying silvery white scales.2 Characteristically, the


Pleasure as Medicine: A Case Study

Tolle Causam Nicola Dehlinger, ND Jane is a 48-year-old woman who presented to clinic with anxiety. She had experienced anxiety since childhood, but it went undiagnosed until 2008, when she

Anti-Aging, Dermatology

Homeopathic Dermatology

Tolle Causam Sharum Sharif, ND In my general, primary care practice, 1 out of every 4 patients has a skin disorder/condition. As many of you know, treating skin conditions/disorders can be

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