Tolle Causam Michelle Hagel, ND Rabia Meghji, ND As defined by Traditional Chinese Medicine, allergies represent an energetic blockage. Something has triggered the blockage to occur, whether it [...]
Tolle Causam Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS Over the years, we’ve learned more about the ways our bodies react to specific foods, and even the ways in which specific […]
Node Smith, ND One to two percent of the population has Celiac Disease (CD), an immune reaction to gluten. Wheat grains contain gluten, a mixture of glutenin and gliadin proteins, […]
Tolle Causam Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS Are you noticing the growing epidemic of autoimmunity? As the number of Americans suffering from autoimmunity has reached 25-50 million1 and that […]
Humaira Quraishi, ND, MS Docere Who would ever think we’d be consuming herbicide/pesticides in foods other than fruits, vegetables, and grains? Well, think again. Glyphosate, an herbicide [...]
Two Distinct Clinical Entities Nate Champion, ND It seems as if more and more individuals are being seen with clinical symptoms associated with adverse reactions to gluten, the structural protein [...]
International Celiac Disease Symposium Recap Christine Doherty, ND There has been increased attention to the clinical importance of those who do not have celiac disease but respond [...]
Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE One of the curses which white bread, or robbed bread has inflicted on the people is constipation. A. W. McCann, 1914, p. 680 The farmer, even, […]
The Kenny Davin Fine Interview Mark Swanson, ND Like his music, Dr Kenny Davin Fine is a lot of things to a lot of people: medical doctor and researcher, gastroenterologist […]
Christine Doherty, ND Celiac disease is one of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases in the country. One in 130 Americans have celiac disease, yet it currently takes a person about […]