Kurt Vonnegut’s idea of “ice-nine,” in his book Cat’s Cradle, has stuck with me over the years.1 His novels captured me, not only for their satire – which I appreciated as a teen – but also for their science fiction. I am a raving fan of science fiction. I believe it introduces a wider truth, and what is often presented as “fiction” is simply what has been undiscovered or unacknowledged in science.
In Vonnegut’s story, an eccentric scientist, Hoenikker, was searching for a way to solidify mud so that soldiers wouldn’t get stuck in it. Enter his “science fiction” solution, “ice-nine” – an alternative structure of water he created after studying different stacked arrangements of cannon balls around the world. Ice-nine could potentially freeze mud puddles, making them solid at ambient temperature, so that no soldier would ever be stuck again.1
The danger with ice-nine was that if a seed of it touched any liquid water, it would solidify that water instantly, no matter the temperature. With the prevalence of water on Earth in interconnecting streams, rivers, lakes, and oceans, it is easy to envision the apocalyptic disaster potential of 1 seed of ice-nine used carelessly, or even used at all.1
Water Pollution
Since the 1970s, when I was a teen and reading Kurt Vonnegut, the natural world has gotten tremendously more polluted. Despite the awareness raised by annual Earth Days that began back then, water pollution has become a global crisis. And it is affecting our health in – I will say without any exaggeration – disastrous apocalyptic proportions.
“Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental issues affecting all creatures, no matter how big or small. Contaminated water kills more people every year than war and violence combined.”2
We are talking about the outright killing of people! That is not even taking into account the weakening of our health from poor quality of water. Environmental destruction has affected our water quality tremendously, and it has accelerated since the increased development of industries and cities in the early 1900s.
Among those concerned at that time was Viktor Schauberger, an Austrian expert in water and its interaction with the forest. Known as the “Water Wizard,” he designed a device that emulates Nature’s methods of vitalizing water for humans, animals, and plants.3 Researching Schauberger’s ideas and finding out about his device set me off on a journey of discovery towards what constitutes water fit to drink and which supports our health instead of killing us!
Quantity vs Quality
From my perspective, a lot of what science considers as the quality of water is actually the quantity of chemical constituents in water. Looking at it in a mechanistic, materialistic, superficial way, water is an inorganic molecule: H2O, the chemical oxide of hydrogen. Pollution is what is chemically found in the water that is considered harmful, or at least not useful to life on Earth. Worldwide, many governmental standards exist for allowable limits of toxic compounds. Contaminated water, then, contains amounts of organic or inorganic compounds that exceed those allowable limits.
While it can be useful to look at the quantity of compounds in water, it leaves out what I learned from Schauberger and others about the quality of water, which is based on more subtle properties. By bringing forward research findings that may sound like fiction to the mechanistic scientist, we can take the discussion of water quality beyond its chemical properties and also out of the realm of “science fiction.” My persistent “ice-nine” image of a different arrangement of stacked cannon balls, as applied to water molecules, can help explain what we know about water today, including how it works for our health and how we should deal with our environmental water pollution.
Water Structure
If we view water molecules as cannon balls, how they are stacked makes a difference in how water functions. With the technology of advanced nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, we can see the degree of order in the arrangement of water molecules. Scientists can see that the arrangement of water in healthy cells differs from that in diseased cells. Living water from Nature looks different from water from your tap, also known as “bulk water.” And that observable difference in healthy cells and living water is a highly ordered arrangement of the water molecules.4
Highly ordered water, when evaporated, leaves a residue. This has been studied using specialized microscopy. Researchers report, “A wide range of stable water cluster structures were observed in the residue, including … double-helix shapes.” In addition, these “solid-like stable water clusters have been found to exist at room temperature as a residue from evaporation of a type of pure water.”5 This is reminiscent of the properties of “ice-nine”!
Structure Reveals Quality
Masaru Emoto popularized images of water crystallization patterns, showing that polluted water formed disordered patterns, and holy or energized water made beautifully patterned crystals.6 However, it was a scientist, Andreas Schultz, who made imaging fully scientifically relevant for assessing water quality by developing Water Crystal Microscopy as a diagnostic tool for quality analysis.7
Andreas Schultz showed that low-quality polluted water, unsuitable for human use, forms 90-degree crystal structures. In contrast, natural, high-quality water forms radial structures, often featuring 60-degree angles instead of the 90-degree angles. This has been verified around the world by comparing water samples known to be natural and healthy with those known to be toxic. Through Water Crystal Microscopy, water quality can be analyzed for its functionality rather than simply for the amounts of toxic chemicals in it.7
The Problem Today
Many of the benefits provided by water when in its optimum natural state have been lost. The methods commonly employed today of moving and sterilizing water disorders it. This includes pressurized systems and straight- and right-angle piping over long distances. In addition, toxic chemicals or minerals in our waters, even if in allowable limits, affect the water quality because of the memory of water. Regardless of the chemical or mineral constituents in the water, Water Crystal Microscopy analysis of water processed with modern methods reflects toxic conditions.
In an attempt to disinfect it, processed water is treated with chlorine. This has nearly wiped out water-borne disease like cholera and typhoid, but without understanding the deeper consequences to our health. Chlorine kills all types of bacteria, whether beneficial or harmful. When we drink chlorinated water, our digestive tract is disinfected as well, seriously weakening the immune-enhancing microorganisms in the body. 8
In addition, it has been shown that other methods to purify water that use harsh procedures, such as reverse osmosis, UV radiation, electrical ionization, or distillation, actually damage the water’s structure, thereby also damaging the water quality.9
How to Restore Quality to Water
We have just seen that we need to go beyond chemical water treatment to find ways to revitalize water. Seeking to obtain high-quality water, I take a note from Schauberger, and look to emulate water as it purifies and vitalizes itself in Nature.
Considering the adverse effects of pollution and processing on our water, to revitalize water we need to start in most cases by separating out chemicals and heavy minerals through filtration. But it does not end there. We can revitalize the water by imitating how water flows in a stream by passing it through precise flow forms, and adding minerals like it would normally pick them up from the forest and rocks when it flows in Nature.
Schauberger invented a device to revitalize water that is modeled on water’s natural twists and turns as it flows in Nature. When I found a reference to it, I wanted it! I thought the technology was lost until I found a device manufactured today which revitalizes water through their flow forms. This kind of device can transform our polluted toxic water back to its natural potent state that supports our health. And that is science, not fiction.
It is exciting for me to see this with my own eyes: flow forms that mimic Nature do increase the water quality, as shown in Water Crystal Microscopy imaging. The accompanying pictures compare neutral water with the same water revitalized through a flow form. The images are magnified 400 times, so we can see the right-angle patterns in the neutral water (Figure 1a), versus the radial-star pattern in the revitalized water after passing through a flow form (Figure 1b), consistent with Andreas Schultz’s water quality assessments.10
Figure 1a. Neutral Water Sample

Figure 1b. Revitalized Water Sample

This study concludes, “The crystallization process has had extensive restructuring in which the bioavailability of the water has been significantly improved. Therefore, the sample has achieved a water quality level that is normally only to be found in high-quality natural spring water. In comparison with the neutral sample, or other comparable tap water, it definitely shows a considerable improvement in quality.”10 Voila! Water vitalized as it is in Nature!
High-Quality Water & the Human Body
When highly structured water, as in Nature, is absorbed into the body, it can more effectively deliver nutrients and energy and remove toxins from the body. This is due to what is known as the colloidal effect, whereby water’s ability to pick up, surround, and isolate toxins is greater than in disordered bulk water. Because of this colloidal effect, toxins that are removed from cells are then eliminated through their natural routes rather than being redeposited. Because cells receive cleaner, energized water and are more effectively cleared of toxins, cellular function is more efficient, resulting in better overall health.8
Dr Mu Shik Jhon and his Korean team of researchers looked inside our blood and inside our cells. They found that every protein in blood plasma is surrounded by water molecules in a tight arrangement. This hydration layer structurally supports the folds and bends of the protein, which facilitates the function of the protein and protects it from outside disturbing influences.8
They also discovered that water that is directly bonded with a functional protein is so tightly held that it has a solid structure while remaining in a liquid state!8 And there we have it: science fiction becomes science when water at body temperature has a solid structure, again reminiscent of “ice-nine!” This configuration is important for the function of the protein, as evidenced by the finding that while normal DNA is directly surrounded by 36 water molecules bound together in the first hydration layer, abnormal DNA has only 35.8
This and much more research clearly demonstrate that the state of our health is dependent on the structure of our body’s water. Even back in the 1990s, 3 Nobel prizes were awarded for research on structured water and its critical function within living organisms, including involving DNA, protein folding, and cellular communication.4
Beyond Science Fiction
Researchers like Dr Mu Shik Jhon have brought the study of the structure of water into an accepted branch of science. It is no longer “science fiction” to talk about the arrangement of water molecules and how it influences its health-promoting properties. Structured water science is being applied in agriculture, as the vitality of our soil and food is being restored with structured water as a core element in Regenerative Agriculture.11,12 There are many possibilities within industry, as Schauberger pioneered in the last century.
Naturopathic doctors know that high-quality water is essential to human health; it is therefore a recommendation of high value to our patients. We have seen that the quality of water goes way beyond minimizing the quantity of its contaminants. We can assess the energy quality of water through Water Crystallization Microscopy, which is now generally accepted in water quality science, and we can recommend vital or revitalized water that truly is life-giving.
When I tell patients to drink water to hydrate, it is not just any water I ask them to drink. I aspire to the quality of water found in the highly structured water in Nature. With the prevalence of water pollution and the limitations of city water processing, as well as our limited access to the flow of pristine mountain streams, the next best thing is to revitalize water using the principles of Nature. And that is no longer science fiction.
- Vonnegut K. Cat’s Cradle. New York, NY: Dell; 1969.
- Cvetkovska L. 42 Upsetting Water Pollution Statistics & Facts to Know Now. February 26, 2020. Available at: Accessed September 1, 2020.
- Coats C. Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger. Second Edition. Dublin, Ireland: Gill Books; 2001.
- Nuday C. Water Codes: The Science of Health, Consciousness, and Enlightenment. California: Water Ink Publishing; 2014.
- Lo A, Cardarella J, Turner J, Lo S. Soft Matter State of Water and the Structures it Forms. Forum Immune Dis Ther. 2012;3(3-4):237-252. Available at: Accessed September 1, 2020.
- Emoto M. The Secret Life of Water. New York, NY: Beyond Words Publishing, Inc; 2005.
- Schulz A. Water Crystals: Making the Quality of Water Visible. Edinburgh, Scotland: Floris Books; 2005.
- Jhon MS. The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key: Scientific Evidence of Hexagonal Water and its Positive influences on Health. St Louis, MO: Uplifting Press, Inc; 2004.
- Butts JD. [Technical Sales Training Manual.] 2018. Natural Action Tech. Sedona, AZ.
- Hagalis AG. Crystalization Analysis: Quality of Water from Water Purification Units Evaluation. March 20, 2012. Available at: Accessed September 1, 2020.
- Regeneration International. Why Regenerative Agriculture? 2019. Available at: Accessed September 1, 2020.
- Hydration Foundation. Water’s Charge is the Secret to Regenerative Agriculture. 2020. Available at: Accessed September 1, 2020.

Cheryl Kasdorf, ND graduated from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) in 1998. Since then, passion has been accompanying the Healing Power of Nature in her private naturopathic practice, in Cottonwood, AZ. In e-courses delivered on her free mobile app and in webinars, Dr Kasdorf shows how simple practices of reconnecting with Nature can restore health, vitality, and clarity. Her webinars included one for the AANP this year, which will culminate in a presentation at the annual 2021 convention. See more at