Nature Cure

Nature Cure

Dysfunctional Breathing Patterns in Athletes

From Ritsumeikan University Breathing patterns are an important indicator of an individual’s health. A healthy individual breathes naturally using primary respiratory muscles (e.g., diaphragm muscle) that produce a rhythmic observable

Nature Cure

Hydrotherapy- Part 4

JAMES SENSENIG, ND LETITIA DICK-KRONENBERG, ND, VNMI   This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to preserve

Nature Cure

Hydrotherapy- Part 3

JAMES SENSENIG, ND LETITIA DICK-KRONENBERG, ND, VNMI   This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to preserve

Nature Cure

High-Quality Water: Revitalizing the Source

CHERYL KASDORF, ND  The human body requires water to function properly. However, not all water is equivalent. Having high-quality water is essential to human health. But how do we define quality?   Water sources in Nature

Nature Cure

Hydrotherapy- Part 2

JAMES SENSENIG, ND LETITIA DICK-KRONENBERG, ND, VNMI   This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to preserve

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