JAKE F. FELICE, ND, LMP In parts 1 and 2 of this article, I reviewed historical accounts of the use of cannabis for women’s health in ancient texts from around […]
KHIVAN OBEROI, ND ERIN FIX, ND Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is well known for having a complex hormonal and metabolic pathophysiology. Patients may seek out naturopathic care for a [...]
ERICA NIKIFORUK, ND, RAC While it is generally understood that maternal preconception health and nutrition is important, the opportunity to use the perinatal period for programming a child’s [...]
JAMES SENSENIG, ND LETITIA DICK-KRONENBERG, ND, VNMI This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to [...]
SHANNON SINSHEIMER, ND With greater awareness of the potential problems that can occur during conception, more couples are seeking preconception care to address potential infertility issues. [...]
CHRIS D. MELETIS, ND When a woman or man becomes “pausal,” whether it be menopause or andropause, low hormone levels can impact many aspects of life. Low hormone levels affect [...]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From University of Turku- Obesity is a significant risk factor for developing gestational diabetes mellitus, and an increasing number of pregnant women are overweight or [...]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND Complex sentences is one of the most difficult language skills to acquire. In 2019, research had revealed a correlation between being particularly proficient in tool […]
MOLLY JARCHOW ND, LM Premature pubarche (PP), the premature development of pubic hair, is a common presentation in pediatric practice and tends to affect many more girls than boys. PP […]
FRASER SMITH, MATD, ND The network of naturopathic programs in North America has grown and changed over the years. One thing they have all had in common is that they […]