March 2015 | Anxiety, Depression and Insomnia

 In NDNR Issues

mar15.pdf_1_thumbVolume 11 Issue 3

Social Anxiety Disorder: A Case Study Assessing the Effect of Mindfulness & Acceptance-Based Therapy………..>>cover

Candice Esposito, ND

A Lascivious Tale: An Adult ADD Case Study…………………..>> bottom of cover

Andrew J. Kaufmann, ND

Gut and Mood: The Microbiome in Anxiety and Depression………………….>>10

Peter Bongiorno, ND, LAc

The systemic effects of gut bugs stretch all the way to the brain.

Treatment of Insomnia: What the Research Shows…………………………….>>12

Chris Roberts, BSc(Hons), BEd, ND

Chris Habib, BSc(Hons), ND

How well do popular naturopathic therapies actually work for sleep problems?

ADHD & Congenital Heart Defects: Naturopathic Medicine Considerations………………..>>14

Bianca Garilli, ND

An ADHD child with congenital heart defects should be approached in a unique fashion.

Sleep Issues & Aging: A Case Study………………………………….>>18

Rian Shah, ND

A case study of a postmenopausal woman reveals the complexities of chronic insomnia.

Bulimia: Steps in Recovery…………>>20

Christina Bjorndal, ND

Dr Bjorndal provides a useful overview of bulimia, including treatment considerations.

The Liver as Planner: Learning to Live with Uncertainty……………………………..>>22

Fred Lisanti, ND, LAc

Can resolving liver qi stagnation help us live with less anxiety and greater flexibility?

Message From the President: Bastyr University…………………………….>>24

Daniel K. Church, PhD

Dr Church reviews the strides made in preparing its graduates and improving healthcare.

Both Sides of Wolfe Street: Naturopathic Medicine and Research…………………………………>>28

David J. Schleich, PhD

Despite our centrality of holism, naturopathic research is more important than ever.

GastroANP: New Naturopathic Gastroenterology Association Formed……………….>>24

Lisa Shaver, ND

A new naturopathic association forms to advance the understanding of GI disorders.

Start With the Obvious……………………>>25

Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND

Starting with 1 remedy can sometimes help shine a light on the next one.

Naturopathic Healing: Is a Jungborn Ever Possible Again?………………………>>26

Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE

Many of the early and effective Nature therapies are being all-too-easily abandoned today.

The Body Doesn’t Lie: Focusing on the Physical Symptoms of Mental Illness……….>>editorial exclusive

Tara Peyman, ND

Two case studies demonstrate the danger of stereotyping homeopathic personalities.

The Magnifying Glass Principal…………………..>>editorial exclusive

Marcus Bird, MEI, Dip HSc Kin

Andy Ramsay, BHSc Acup

Attracting the clients we want to treat requires an alternative to “selling” ourselves.

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