Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From University of California – Berkeley- When you clicked to read this story, a band of cells across the top of your brain sent signals […]
NODE SMITH, ND The evidence for the harmful effects of alcohol on brain health is compelling, but now experts have pin-pointed three key time periods in life when the effects […]
Node Smith, ND A recent study has linked vital exhaustion later in life to an increased risk of developing dementia.1 Vital exhaustion can be seen as psychological distress and manifest […]
Tolle Totum Erica Zelfand, ND Within the context of our fast-paced society and the high levels of chronic stress it confers, fatigue, malaise, anxiety, depression, and poor sleep are commonplace. [...]
Node Smith, ND My Brain Robbie animation campaign aims to help keep little brains healthy My Brain Robbie, a fantastic new initiative to promote brain health among school aged children, […]
Node Smith, ND Does your brain get bigger with exercise? A recent study says that your hippocampus does.1 The hippocampus is a portion of the limbic system, located within the […]