Health and safety

Drugless Healing? Naturopathy and Modern Healthcare

How beneficial are potentially drugless healing systems, including naturopathy? Two doctors in India with Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Science degrees asked that question in an Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine article. A comprehensive review of the significant amount of data in the literature included various drugless therapies for cancers, heart health, immunity, skin diseases, and other diverse disease conditions.  

Although the literature search included words such as fasting, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, and phrases like alternative medicine, therapeutic modalities, color healing, and others, “The primary focus of the reviewed studies was to evaluate the efficacy of naturopathic interventions” for which results showed the “consistently reported positive effects.”

The study concluded, “The findings highlight the relevance and effectiveness of naturopathy as a therapeutic approach in modern healthcare. With its emphasis on lifestyle modifications and non-invasive treatments, naturopathy offers a holistic and cost-effective alternative for addressing lifestyle disorders and enhancing overall well-being.”

Access the article in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine.  

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