The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians Announces New Executive Director

Nationally Recognized Champion of Naturopathic Medicine, Laura Farr, to Take the Helm full-time in

(Washington, DC) July 24, 2017 – The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP)
recently announced the appointment of Laura Farr as the new executive director for the AANP. The
announcement came during their Annual Convention Gala, which took place at the Arizona Biltmore
in Phoenix on July 15. The AANP board of directors chose Farr, who has served as executive
director for the Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physicians since 2005, for her years of
dedication to the naturopathic medicine profession.

AANP president, Jaclyn Chasse, ND stated, “The AANP board of directors, staff, and members are
delighted to have Laura Farr as the new executive director of the AANP. With her extensive
background and proven track record in policy and advocacy affecting naturopathic physicians in
Oregon, we are excited to see how she can make similar progress on a national front.”

A passionate advocate for the naturopathic physicians in Oregon, Farr will bring her nearly 20 years
of service to the profession on a national level. A political organizer by training, Farr has
demonstrated her ability to lead successful healthcare policy initiatives in Oregon. Among her
successes, Farr has worked on several landmark ballot measures in Oregon, including passage of
Vote by Mail and several measures to increase tobacco taxes as a public health policy to decrease
cigarette use. She has also worked on many successful legislative advocacy campaigns ranging from
creating smoke-free workplaces to expanding the naturopathic formulary.

Laura Farr, who in 2014 won the AANP’s Champion of Naturopathic Medicine Award, brings with
her a deep knowledge of the complexities of healthcare reform, expertise on how naturopathic
doctors, conventional clinics, and insurers can collaborate to improve patient care and reduce
healthcare costs, and a commitment to integrating naturopathic medicine into primary care
systems across the country.

Farr will begin her role as full-time executive director in mid-September, where she will work
toward the AANP’s strategic plan goals, which include achieving full-scope legal recognition of the
naturopathic profession in all 50 U.S. states by 2025.

Image Copyright: <a href=’’>valentinarr / 123RF Stock Photo</a>
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