NODE SMITH, ND A clinical trial of 125 young adults shows that those who limited screen time for 48 hours immediately after suffering a concussion had a significantly shorter duration […]
Node Smith, ND A recent study highlights the value of visual aids to help decision making between doctors and caregivers. The study specifically looked at a set of visual aids […]
Node Smith, ND Smaller, More Breakable Nerve Fibers May Leave Women More Susceptible to Concussion An interesting study this week compared the break-ability of nerve fibers between men and women. [...]
Anke Zimmermann, ND Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the most common behavioral disorder in children, is being diagnosed in epidemic proportions. Figures released by the US [...]
Shandor Weiss, ND One of the main principles of naturopathic medicine is Tolle Causam. To treat the cause a doctor has to find the cause … or causes. There is […]