Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From Cornell University- Zinc deficiency is prevalent around the world, and among children, these mineral shortfalls can lead to stunting, embryonic malformations and [...]
Student Scholarship – Honorable Mention Research Review Jocelyn Faydenko, ND Fraser Smith, MATD, ND Drug addiction has become an increasing problem in the United States. David Sheff, in his book [...]
Node Smith, ND Lower-than-normal zinc levels may contribute to high blood pressure (hypertension) by altering the way the kidneys handle sodium. The study is published ahead of print in the […]
Erica Peirson, ND Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common congenital anomalies worldwide, affecting approximately 14 in 10 000 live births.1 The syndrome occurs as a result of extra […]
Sherri Jacobs, ND, CNS A notable patient comes through the door that has been anxious most of her life or suffered frequently from episodes of nervous exhaustion. Her anxiety has […]
Dicken Weatherby, ND and Donald Yance, CN, MH, RH(AHG) It’s alarming to see that close to 10% of children in the U.S. are being diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder […]