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The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer
More than a well-written and well-researched guide to breast cancer prevention and care, The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer is a practical manual for the understanding, disease prevention, and care of the human breast. Written by Dr Sat Dharam Kaur, this book is the first of its kind to elucidate the disease that continues to affect more than 200 000 women each year in the United States alone.
Written in 11 chapters, the book provides guidelines for healthy living that are useful and insightful. Dr Sat Dharam Kaur begins the book by describing basic facts with which the lay public may not be familiar. Included are risk factors for developing breast cancer, understanding basic breast anatomy and physiology, comprehension of the hormones involved with the breast, and, most important, an exposition of the reality of environmental effects on breast health such as “radiation, electricity, petrochemicals, chlorinated chemicals, plastics, brominated fire retardants and formaldehyde—all cancer causing agents. We absorb them, breathe them, eat them and drink them” (p 102).
Next, Dr Sat Dharam Kaur addresses the treatment protocols for this potentially debilitating disease. In chapter 5, she explains what the process of detoxification is and how toxins damage the body in multiple ways: “[A]s health is impaired, there is first felt a general lowering of the body’s vitality, decreased resistance to colds and flus, and irritability or depression. When our individual toxic load surpasses our personal detoxification and eliminative capacity, disease results” (p 132). Chapter 6 evolves into a discussion of the immune system, paying specific care to outline the integration of the lymphatic and immune systems. Chapters 7 and 8 discuss correct eating habits that support healthy breasts, as well as the appropriate supplementation necessary to maintain optimal breast health. Chapter 9 presents an evaluation of the “Psychological and Spiritual Means of Preventing Breast Cancer.” This chapter generates a tool kit for fashioning a healthy self-image, exploring beliefs, learning about communication styles, and developing assertive behaviors, all methods of cancer prevention, ranging from emotional harboring to unresolved sensitive issues. Chapters 10 and 11 offer information about assessing treatment options (allopathic and integrative) and give advice for working with healthcare professionals. The book concludes with a resource directory, a reference section delineated by chapters, further reading suggestions, and an index.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: What is your risk of developing breast cancer?
Chapter 2: Getting to know our breasts.
Chapter 3: Understanding the hormone puzzle.
Chapter 4: Environmental impact on breast health.
Chapter 5: Detoxifying our bodies.
Chapter 6: Activating our lymphatic and immune systems.
Chapter 7: Eating right for breast health.
Chapter 8: Nutritional supplements for breast health.
Chapter 9: Psychological and spiritual means of preventing breast cancer.
Chapter 10: Breast disease treatments.
Chapter 11: Working with healthcare professionals.
Resource Directory–References
Title: The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer
Author: Sat Dharam Kaur, ND
Publisher: Robert Rose
Available from: http://www.robertrose.ca
Pages: 382
Style: Softcover
Copyright: 2003
MSRP: $18.95