Book Signing Event – Happiness Through Meditation

Mindfulness and Resilience - Careers in Transition Northern Fairfield Professionals Danbury Public Library - Danbury, CT April 12, 2012 (4:30 - 6:30pm) Dr. Epstein will be conducting a lecture, discussion and signing for his mini-book - Happiness Through Meditation.

4th Annual BRANCHES Conference: Integrative Therapies in Mental Health

Bastyr University is pleased to present the 4th Annual BRANCHES (Building Research Amongst Northwest Complementary Health Experts) research conference. The theme of this year’s event is “Integrative Therapies in Mental Health.” Speakers from Bastyr University, University of Washington, VA Puget Sound Health Care System, and The Mental Health Chaplaincy will present information on therapeutic approaches […]

Classic IPB and Space Risk

Analysis of the Inner Pupillary Border color, width, shapes, map of 26 spaces that reveal physical, emotional and psychological information plus vertebrae map. More information

Sports Medicine and Scar Deactivation

with Jon Freckleton, DO Vancouver April 14 Calgary April 15 Toronto May 5 Cost: $195 All seminars start at 8:30 and finish by 4:30, lunch is included. All seminars will cover the foundation of pain from injury through auto immune. Jon Freckleton will also cover sports, training, starters to elite athletes, dos and don’ts, injuries […]

Sports Medicine and Scar Deactivation

with Jon Freckleton, DO Vancouver April 14 Calgary April 15 Toronto May 5 Cost: $195 All seminars start at 8:30 and finish by 4:30, lunch is included. All seminars will cover the foundation of pain from injury through auto immune. Jon Freckleton will also cover sports, training, starters to elite athletes, dos and don’ts, injuries […]

Part VIII: Chinese Medicine: Putting it all Together

This exciting eight part webinar series features Dr. Iris Chen, a remarkable and diversified practitioner.   Dr. Chen practices as a licensed Acupuncture Physician in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She earned her M.D. at Medical school of Beijing University, in Beijing, China, and her Ph.D. in molecular biology at McMaster University. Born in China, Dr. Chen […]

3-Week Autism Course

Understanding Alternative Approaches to Autism Educational 3-week workshop for parents and therapists with kids on the autistic spectrum. Click here to view client testimonials. Location: Whole Foods Market, Mount Pleasant (in private conference room) Cost: $60/ 3-week workshop or $25/class (Payment plan available $20/week) 3-Week Workshop Includes: Personalized child assessment, class notes and grocery store tour […]

The Links Between Anxiety and Chronic Disease

Mr Kay Kämmerer will be coming to you live from his clinic in Germany!  He examines the links between anxiety and various chronic conditions, from migraines to liver disorders. He explores these topics using detailed case studies from his own practice. He touches on homeopathy, tooth diagnosis, live blood cell analysis, iridology, and other diagnostic […]

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