For the week of June 2-6, three first year naturopath students (Allie Donnell, Lydia Peters and Jenna Biollo) will be living in a tent on Bastyr campus in order to raise awareness for homelessness in Seattle. We are trying to make this experience as realistic as possible which includes refraining from showering, using transportation, technology, money, cooking facilities, etc.
Why: we are passionate about healthcare accessibility for the homeless in our area. We are raising money specifically for AHAC (Alternative Healthcare Access Campaign) to purchase much needed medical supplies for the Tent City clinic which runs once a month.
How you can be involved: consider donating towards our goal of $5000 by clicking on the following link: If you don’t feel you can donate money, please stop by our tent and leave a non-perishable, healthy food item in our donation bin anytime this week. Having access to wholesome food is a considerable barrier for the community members of Tent City.
To learn more, check out our Facebook page: or stop us in the halls to chat!