Supporting the Luteal Phase With Integrative Medicine…………………..>> cover
Fiona McCulloch, BSC, ND, CEFP
Treating Hypogonadism in Infertile Men: Recent Research and Cases Confirm Efficacy……………………>> bottom of cover
Setareh Tais, ND
The Delicate Balance of Iodine in Thyroid Health ……………………………..>>8
Kristina Conner, ND
A closer look at iodine–its effects on functional metabolism and applications to achieve balance.
Thyroid, Adrenals, and More ………….>>10
Cheryl Kasdorf, ND
Reconciling diverse information from a conference.
Post-Pill Amenorrhea ……………………..>>11
Lindsay Martens, ND
Case study indicates how nutritional support for the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis improves fertility.
Planning for a Healthy Pregnancy …..>>13
Ann Lovick, ND
Essential vitamins and nutrition protocols for mom help produce a healthy baby.
Environmental Hormone Disruption ……………………………………..>>15
Heather Wdowin, NMD
Natural substances can restore and regenerate the endocrine and neurological systems damaged by toxins.
Just Scratching an Itch ………………….>>20
Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND
Cantharis cured one woman’s peculiar symptom.
sT3 and Low Body Temperature …….>>21
Mark Swanson, ND
Interview With Michaël Friedman, ND.
Media Resources for NDs ………………>>24
Stacie Deyglio, ND
A review of current media resources for the naturopathic industry.
A Perfect Storm of Epistemology and Turf ………………………………………..>>29
David Schleich, PhD
The debate about unique knowledge within naturopathic medicine.
The Many Faces of Salvia ………………>>25
Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH(AHG)
Antioxidant and inflammation modulation applications of the sage plant.
Biological Blood Washing ……………….>>27
Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE
How the historical blood washing therapy induces a negative ion effect on the skin to promote healing.