The Brain-Gut-Enteric Microbiota Axis: A New Twist on Mind-Body Medicine
Matthew Marturano, NMD Early in my clinical training, I received some sage advice from several elders of the profession: When […]
Matthew Marturano, NMD Early in my clinical training, I received some sage advice from several elders of the profession: When […]
Rick Kirschner, ND Many of the problems your patients report have a mental or emotional connection driving them that is
Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH (AHG) From my point of view as a spiritual practitioner, I believe dying to be a
Stacie Deyglio, ND Messages From the Body: A Guide to the Energetics of Health Messages From the Body: A Guide
Steps for NDs to Avoid the Risk of Workaholism Donna L. Beck, ND We are told “mind over matter.” We
Marnie Loomis, ND Node Smith, ND Candidate A wrong functioning of the psyche can do much to injure the body,
Why Your Patients Do What They Do and How to Help Them Change Rick Kirschner, ND Many of the
Tolle Totum Allison Creech, MEd, ND For those of us who have been following the field of mind-body medicine, we
Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE Feeding the mind is more important than feeding the body. -E. Purinton, 1911, p. 783 The
Perspective From My Studies in Peru Jillian Stansbury, ND This article is a bit “out of the box.” As some