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Series Therapy: A Deeper Look

October 2, 2012

DesBio’s Series Therapy Kits provide an effective solution for one of the biggest challenges facing health care practitioners: How to safely and effectively control infections. We currently provide 21 different Series Therapy options, including Borrellia, Chlamydia, EBV, and Candida, to help you address each unique patient. Growing research indicates that pathogenic invaders can not only cause mild, short-lived symptoms at the acute stage but may also play a role in the progression of numerous chronic health problems long after the initial symptoms are resolved. Conventional infection-control therapies, such as antibiotics or anti-fungals, are not always effective, present long-term risks to the immune system, and do very little to reduce the risk of returning and prolonged infections.
DesBio Series Therapy Kits work with the body’s natural immune response to develop an intelligent and targeted approach to controlling infections. Through a carefully selected progression of homeopathic dilutions, each DesBio Series Therapy Kit regulates the immune system to promote healthy production of anti-bodies and to help relieve the specific symptoms associated with the offending microbe. The DesBio series method uses nosodes that range from high-potency to a low-potency administered singly over a period of weeks. This advanced form of treatment helps support resolution of a deep, chronic inflammatory state by re-training the cells of the immune system how to effectively control the offending agent.
In this webinar, we will cover:
An overview of the history and advanced scientific principles behind the DesBio series method
An in-depth look at a few of our top Series Therapy Kits and their clinical use
A brief review of the DesBio Comprehensive Detoxification System and its role in immune support
Clinical case studies and real patient success stories with our Series Therapy Kits
This webinar will be led by Dr. Bruce Shelton, MD, the Chief Medical Adviser for DesBio. Dr. Shelton is a world-class homeopathic MD and the current President of the Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association.
Register here: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/258010522


October 2, 2012
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