August 2014 | Fertility and Endocrinology

 In NDNR Issues

aug14.pdf_1_thumbVolume 10 Issue 8

Fertile over 40………………….>>cover Jaclyn Chasse, ND

Optimizing the HPA Axis……………….>> bottom of cover Lise Alschuler, ND

Endometriosis: Preserving Fertility By Treating It Holistically…………………>>14

Amy Day, ND
Natural protocols can alleviate symptoms in
endometriosis while also preserving the patient’s fertility.

Heart Rare Variability: The Why, What, and How of HRV, and Its Importance in Private Practice – Part 1…………….>>10

Javdat Karimov, NMD

HRV reflects the ANS, which controls 90% of the
body’s functions. Dr Karimov explains how this works.

Unexplained Infertility: Solving the Puzzle With Naturopathic Medicine...>>16
Shawna Darou, ND

Knowing the common causes of female infertility can
help you turn around even the most stubborn cases.

Graves’ Disease: Natural Treatment Considerations……………………………….>>11
Saul Marcus, ND

Two case studies help illustrate how to evaluate and
treat a patient with this often-overlooked disorder.

Male Infertility: Natural Approaches to a Common Problem………………………..>>17
Lisa Watson, ND
Dr Watson reviews the basics of male factor
infertility, and provides up-to-date protocols.


Beyond the Hormonal Triad: The Liver as an Important Source of Cortisol….>>19
Monique Hallee, BScHK, ND
When balancing hormones in a patient with low
cortisol, liver support might be a smart move.


Association Spotlight: Licensing Efforts, Update From Idaho…………………………>>23
Sara Rodgers, ND, CAc
The president of the IDAANP reflects on the challenges
and visions associated with licensure efforts.


Voices of Naturopathic Research: Interviews with NCNM, Bastyr, SCNM, NUHS Research Faculty………………….>>20
Mark Swanson, ND
What’s happening in naturopathic research? One
simple question elicits intriguing updates.


The Properties of Water, Part 2……>>23
Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE
The early naturopaths understood water in detail—
not only its properties, but its therapeutic effects.

NCAT, or not to NCAT: Strategy or Bragging Rights?……………………………>>26
David J. Schleich, PhD
Has the time come for a naturopathic equivalent of the MCAT? Maybe not.

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