An Unusual Application

 In Homeopathy, Pediatrics

Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND

Melissa is a dark-haired beauty. She would steal the show anywhere, despite the fact that our patient is just 3 years old.

Chief Complaints

Mom is telling us that Melissa is having trouble with…

  • Tantrums
  • Enuresis
  • Sleep

We should begin with the tantrums… They are striking, given the age and diminutive stature of this quiet, pensive child. Mom describes the behavior as “rages.” These rages have been present from as early as she can recall. This child actually frightens her mother in that state.

The rages are distinctly violent. Melissa will bite, and when she bites she means to hurt. She will actually pursue Mom around the house with the intent to really bite. There was a description of her being “a crazy animal” during these times. Melissa will throw and destroy things. There is shrieking and very aggressive scratching. She often needs to be restrained to prevent violence.

The episodes are nearly always triggered by being denied what she is demanding. The frequency can be as high as 10 episodes per day, usually lasting less than 10 minutes. And all this, escalating in intensity since birth!

The only thing that reliably works for our exasperated mother is distraction. Yes, if she can be distracted by something interesting, there is a quick change of gears and all is well, for the time being, anyway.

After the rage comes remorse, especially lately, as Melissa has matured.

Melissa has had a long history of accidents. She will fall and, oddly, not use her hands to break the fall. During most of these episodes, she would fall and hit her head! These episodes could occur up to 10 times per week.

Enuresis is a regular (daily) event.


Mom has tried her hand at prescribing, and with admirable results. Due to Melissa’s restlessness, especially during sleep, which is described lovingly as her being like a “helicopter” and her desire for music, Mom gave her Tarentula hispanica 200C, with great success. The episodes were reduced for a year! The falling decreased to 2 times per week but there was still no change in the lack of reflex defense on falling. The enuresis vanished, also for about a year. However, on relapse there was no response to the remedy even on increasing the potency. A simile, but a great one.

Correlation With Mom’s Pregnancy?

Mom’s history of pregnancy is important to the case. At the time of conception, the family lived in a foreign country. Dad was doing well financially but was very much in grief and guilt over the death of his sister. He became a “zombie,” disinterested in the family and very irritable. This caused great distress for Melissa’s mom. She felt abandoned and unsupported. During pregnancy, her blood pressure dropped and there was lots of respiratory distress, with weakness. Mom displayed lots of intense anger with her husband, due to his lack of support. There were many violent false labor pains. At week 38, there were sudden, very violent and erratic contractions. The delivery was fast.

What Stands Out

For me, the correlation with this description seemed to be mirrored in the child’s violent behavior.

In addition to these complaints, Melissa is an unusual child. She has some unique perceptions. Mom describes her stories as being “her own peculiar world.” Once, when nauseous, she explained that her mouth had become disconnected so that she had to vomit.

Melissa is very “crafty,” ie, is artistic and loves music.

In reviewing this case of rage in a child, I decided that what was most peculiar was the ease and effectiveness of distraction, given the intensity of the rage. Next was the very artistic tendencies of our young lady.





I wondered… is Sepia known to be angry? I checked our primary source, ie, Allen:

“So excited from anger that she fears an apoplectic fit.; everything becomes black before the eyes… Violent ebullitions of passion, with trembling (particularly of the hands); can be brought on by a mere trifle… Attacks of anger over past times come on involuntarily, through which he becomes so excited that he does not know what to do, accompanied, by anxiety, palpitation of the heart, and sweat of the whole body (after fifteen days)… Inclination to passion… He becomes angry over every trifle… Great inclination to become angry.”

So it can be!

I decided on Sepia 200C. One dose was 2 pellets in 4 oz water, stirred 5 times, and taken as 1 tsp.


The first follow-up was 3 weeks later. She was sleeping better. No longer waking with the first rays of light. (?) Bedwetting occurred only once after her father came for a brief visit. No tantrums. She seems not to be falling in the same way at all. Firstly, it is rare, and secondly, she has acquired the reflex of putting her arms out in defense! She seems to express herself more easily and directly to Mom without speaking to her doll. (?) When upset, she is weeping more, and angry far less. She is sensitive to being told she is late. In her drawing, she uses multiple colors, not just one.

My feeling overall is wow! I am especially encouraged by the appearance of the falling reflex. This seems an important advantage over the response to the Tarentula.

It has now been 3 months. There have been relapses of behavior following an episode of treatment for lice, but Melissa quickly responded to another dose of the Sepia.

Mom is very grateful for homeopathy!

Kellerstein headshot

Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND graduated as a chiropractor in 1980 and as an ND in 1984. He graduated with a specialty in homeopathy from the Canadian Academy for Homeopathy, and subsequently lectured there for 2 years. He also lectured in homeopathy for several years at CCNM; for 8 years at the Toronto School of Homeopathic Medicine; and for 2 years at the British Institute for Homeopathy. Dr Kellerstein’s mission is the exploration of natural medicine in a holistic context, especially homeopathy and facilitating the experience of healing in patients.


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