Mesothelioma, caused by asbestos exposure, is an aggressive form of cancer with no cure; treatments attempt to improve/expand quality of life. A study published in Nature Communications, found [...]
How beneficial are potentially drugless healing systems, including naturopathy? Two doctors in India with Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Science degrees asked that question in an Alternative [...]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From University of Turku- Obesity is a significant risk factor for developing gestational diabetes mellitus, and an increasing number of pregnant women are overweight or [...]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND Complex sentences is one of the most difficult language skills to acquire. In 2019, research had revealed a correlation between being particularly proficient in tool […]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From Indiana University School of Medicine- A study led by Indiana University School of Medicine is challenging standard treatment methods used to prevent muscle damage [...]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation- Cancer deaths rose to 10 million and new cases jumped to over 23 million globally in 2019, according […]
KAYCIE GRIGEL, ND No matter what specialty you choose, if you see women in your practice, you will see breast cancer survivors. One in every 8 women in the United […]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From The Mount Sinai Hospital / Mount Sinai School of Medicine- Mount Sinai researchers have solved a major mystery in cancer research: How cancer cells […]
Student Scholarship – Third Place Research Review MONIKA BHARGAVA, BHSC PAUL RICHARD SAUNDERS, PHD, ND In the United States and Canada, breast cancer is the most common cancer among [...]
Edited By NODE SMITH, ND From Binghamton University- People who are friendly and trustworthy are more likely to be selected for teams than those who are known for just their […]