NODE SMITH, ND Neurons lack the ability to replicate their DNA, so they’re constantly working to repair damage to their genome. Now, a new study by Salk scientists finds that […]Read More
Tags :Genome
Node Smith, ND Sometimes cancer stays put, but often it metastasizes, spreading to new locations in the body. It has long been suspected that genetic mutations arising inside tumor cells […]Read More
Node Smith, ND New research from the Danish psychiatric project, iPSYCH, shows that a specific gene is associated with an increased risk of cannabis abuse. The gene is the source […]Read More
Node Smith, ND How fun does it sound to watch a group of flies get drunk and fly around? This isn’t a metaphor for the regulars that hang around your […]Read More
David M. Brady, ND, DC, CCN, DACBN The population of the microbiota of the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract is widely diverse and complex, with a high population density. All major […]Read More