“Gut microbiota is considered to be one of the important factors that maintain human health by regulating host metabolism.” An article in the Virulence journal provides a comprehensive look at [...]
Nearly 47% of U.S. adults suffer from hypertension, a condition marked by consistently high blood pressure. Often called the “silent killer,” hypertension can lead to serious health [...]
MATTHEW STRICKLAND, ND Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, is a diagnosis given to patients suffering from gastrointestinal pain and altered bowel habits without any [...]
QUINN RIVET, ND Dedicated to my father – Hugh Edmond Rivet Evolving data over the last 40 years confirm that uremic metabolites generated by a dysbiotic microbiome impair kidney [...]
JAMES SENSENIG, ND LOUISE EDWARDS, ND, LAC This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to [...]
JAMES SENSENIG, ND LOUISE EDWARDS, ND, LAC This column is transcribed from a weekly live conversation produced by the Naturopathic Medical Institute (NMI). The goal of NMI is to [...]
SAMANTHA PRYOR, ND Since this is my first article submission to NDNR, I would like to take a moment to tell you a little about myself. As I write this, I am currently employed [...]
COLEEN MURPHY, ND, LAC Roberts’ Formula is a traditional naturopathic remedy with a long history of use for common digestive disorders. This abstract examines the origins of [...]
JAMES SENSENIG, ND Treatments for GI Imbalances Reduce Stress, Improve Lifestyle The most obvious ways to correct gut problems are looking at how and when we [...]
NODE SMITH, ND As the owner of a human body, you’re carrying trillions of microbes with you everywhere you go. These microscopic organisms aren’t just hitching a ride; many of […]