Iva Lloyd, ND, RPP When it comes to health, emotions play a significant role. And how they are expressed in the physical body follows certain rules. Last month, in Part […]
Tolle Totum Iva Lloyd, BScH, RPE, ND It is common to think of chronic pain from a structural or functional perspective. What is not as common, but is equally important, […]
Tolle Causam Iva Lloyd, BScH, RPE, ND Consciousness plays a tremendous role in both objective and subjective health status, but the understanding of how it is formed continues to be […]
Iva Lloyd, BSCH, RHN, RPP, ND Takes a close look at some of the varied causes of non-restful sleep, and at the impact an unsettled mind has on brain activity. […]
Iva Lloyd, BScH, RHN, RPP, ND Why are the minds of so many children unsettled? The incidence of anxiety and depression continues to rise, with recent stats indicating that anywhere […]
Iva Lloyd, ND The ability of the mind to affect the outcome of health and disease is well documented. Mind-body therapies are gaining tremendous acknowledgment for their benefits in treating […]
Iva Lloyd, BScH, RHN, RPP, ND Imagine for a moment that the body and mind are connected … that the body responds, at a physiological level, to everything the mind […]