DECKER WEISS, NMD, FASA There is a thought process that great entrepreneurs use when solving problems, which is called “researching your butt off!” This is the [...]
Node Smith, ND When parents suffer from depression, kids may be at risk for physical health problems in young adulthood, according to a study from researchers including the University of […]
Botanical Insights Jillian Stansbury, ND Health food stores often have an entire section of products dedicated to enhancing the libido, improving erectile function, and boosting low testosterone, [...]
Naturopathic Perspective Carrie Jones, ND, MPH It is well established that elevated estrogen can pose many problems for both men and women. Not only can it result in estrogen dominance […]
Vis Medicatrix Naturae Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH (AHG) It is estimated that 15% of the US population – about 20 million people – have some degree of gallbladder disease (GBD). The […]
Node Smith, ND A recent study suggests that resistance exercise – lifting weights – for less than an hour a week may reduce heart attack and stroke risk by 40 […]
Student Scholarship Honorable Mention Jocelyn Faydenko Fraser Smith, MATD, ND Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in the United States.1 Although the classic lipid [...]
Tolle Causam Alison Chen, ND The obesity epidemic has long been recognized as a fight against excessive calorie consumption and a sedentary lifestyle. Despite these well-known contributors, [...]
Maria Del Mar Rodriguez-Berrios, ND Vis Medicatrix Naturae Early childhood is a critical phase in terms of being exposed to a variety of microbes and developing strong immunity.1 When I […]