The Vital Conversation James Sensenig, NDMona Morstein, ND, DHANP This article joins a series of articles in NDNR that are based on transcripts of the Naturopathic Medicine [...]
Node Smith, ND Scientists from the UK, Europe and the USA, including experts from the University of Birmingham, have published a vitamin D consensus paper warning against high doses of […]
Node Smith, ND Scientists from the UK, Europe and the USA, including experts from the University of Birmingham, have published a vitamin D consensus paper warning against high doses of […]
Node Smith, ND A new study has found an association between averaging low levels of vitamin D and high numbers of COVID-19 cases and mortality rates across 20 European countries. […]
Tolle Totum Jaclyn Graham, BSc, ND The prevalence of depression in type 1 diabetic patients may be 3 times higher than that of non-diabetic patients in the general population, while […]
Student Scholarship – Honorable Mention Research Review Jocelyn Faydenko, ND Fraser Smith, MATD, ND Drug addiction has become an increasing problem in the United States. David Sheff, in his book [...]
Node Smith, ND Vitamin D deficiency from birth to early childhood was associated with an increased risk of elevated blood pressure in later childhood and adolescence, according to new research [...]
Node Smith, ND What’s good for our bones may also help stop cancer cells that develop resistance to multiple chemotherapy drugs. Vitamin D metabolite can block one mechanism by which […]