Tolle Causam
Oxytocin: The Big “O” in Women’s Well-Being
Trina Doerfler, ND, DC
Thyroid Hormone as Fertility Treatments
Lorilee Schoenbeck, ND
Is there a role for this in normothyroid women age 30+?
Reclaiming the Power of Blood
Kristina Conner , ND
Applying naturopathic principles to counseling about menstruation
Tolle Causam
The Psychoenergetic Background of Cardiovascular Diseases
Craig Wagstaff, ND
Using psychosomatic energetic therapy to address electromagnetic causes of stress and disease.
Vis Medicatrix Naturae
Menopause and Retaining the Female Libido
Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc
Suggestions for waning libidos.
Pediatric Probiotics
Mary Grabowska, ND, LM, LAc and Mairi R. Ross
Impact on the development of a normal immune system.
Tolle Totem
The Relationship Between Adrenal Function and Menopausal Symptoms
Kathryn Retzler, ND
Explaining hormone changes and determining treatment.
Botanical Insights
Salicylates in Salix, Populus and Betula
Eric Yarnell, ND, RH(AHG)
Options for relieving rheumatic symptoms.
The Green Corner
Discussing the Impacts of Environmental Contaminants on Human Health
Mitch Kennedy, ND
Perchlorate affects thyroid function in women; lead exposure as a risk factor for hypertension in women.
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