Menopause and Retaining the Female Libido
A sexy woman is, by and large, a young and healthy woman. Typically a young, healthy, reasonably happy and sexy woman has a “normal” libido. A woman who has matured […]
A sexy woman is, by and large, a young and healthy woman. Typically a young, healthy, reasonably happy and sexy woman has a “normal” libido. A woman who has matured […]
Stacie Deyglio, ND Fundamentals of Naturopathic Endocrinology is a textbook and clinical resource that applies the philosophy of naturopathic medicine to a wide range of endocrine system-related [...]
Stacie Deyglio, ND The Collected Works of Benedict Lust is a compilation of major documents authored by Dr. Lust, the founder of naturopathic medicine in the U.S. These works include […]
Mitch Kennedy, ND It is common knowledge that bone turnover accelerates as women enter perimenopause and menopausal years. What is not commonly known is that this turnover also accelerates the [...]
Mitch Kennedy, ND Perchlorate, an oxidizer in solid rocket fuel, is widely found in groundwater, drinking water, milk, vegetables, fruit, grain and forage crops. Large doses of perchlorate have [...]
Joe Kellerstein, DC, ND Not long after my graduation from naturopathic college, and being rather lonely in practice, I was pleased one day when a lady stopped in, saying she […]
Mary Grabowska, ND, LM, LAc and Mairi R. Ross Probiotics are familiar to most naturopathic physicians in their pediatric practice as a way of supporting the restoration of natural flora […]
Trina Doerfler, ND, DC Oxytocin is a hormone that has been given too little attention outside the well-known arenas of parturition and lactation, and much too little respect in its […]
Kristina Conner, ND We’ve come a long way in attitudes about menstruation. In many native cultures, women were often separated during menstruation, forbidden to perform household tasks or [...]
Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc A sexy woman is, by and large, a young and healthy woman. Typically a young, healthy, reasonably happy and sexy woman has a “normal” libido. […]