May 2014 | Dermatology and Anti-Aging Medicine

 In NDNR Issues

may13.pdf_1_thumbVolume 10 Issue 5

Atopic Dermatitis: Prevention and Treatment in Infants………………………..>> cover Ashley Weber, HBSC, ND


Acne Vulgaris: Mechanism-Based Treatment Options……………………………….>> bottom of cover Sarah Goulding, ND


A Combined Approach to Acne: Success Beyond Systemic/Dietary Change Using Mesotherapy & In-office Procedures…………………………>>8
Michael Rahman, BSc, ND
Dr Rahman provides the latest internal and external
protocols for patients with acne.

Honorable Mention Case Study – Urticaria Following B12 Injection: A Case Report………………………………..>>14
Courtney Holmberg, HBSc Kin
Pilar Villegas, HBSc, BPS, ND
A patient’s reaction to a methylcobalamin injection
puts into question all preconceived notions of cause.

Naturopathic Treatment of Eczema…………………………>>17
Krista Moyer, ND
Eczema can be healed using a personalized
combination of herbs, nutrients and homeopathics.

Anti-Aging is More Than Vanity: The Epigenetics and Nutrigenomics Basis for Living Healthy For 120 Years……..>>19
Millie Lytle, ND, MPH, CNS
Specific nutritional agents play key roles in modifying
genetically-conferred risks and aging itself.

The Medicine of the Birth Tree: Beyond Depurative…………………………>>26
Robin DiPasquale, ND, RH (AGH)
A quintessentially feminine tree, birch has many
actions, the most important being alterative.

Bleach Baths: A Solution for Radiation Dermatitis?……………………..>>21
Jacob Schor, ND, FABNO
The anti-inflammatory mechanism of bleach
suggests clinical potential for cancer patients.

How Will ObamaCare Affect NDs? Big changes are coming, but it’s going to be a bumpy transition!……………….>>22
Laura Culberson Farr
Though implementation of the ACA’s nondiscrimination
provision is far from smooth,
progress is being made.

Medical Resources for NDs: A Review of Current Publications for the Naturopathic Industry……………….>>23
Stacie Deyglio, ND
Two new books – one on GI & illness, the other on
reversing prediabetes – are useful to doctors and
patients alike.

Blended Learning: Our Trim Tab at Work in Naturopathic Medical Education…..>>30
David J. Schleich, PhD
The blending of classroom and e-learning helps us
achieve continuous momentum as a profession.
similar thought

Dissimilar Disease………………………….>>24
Joseph Kellerstein, DC, ND
What to do when different disease processes occur
simultaneously in different locations?

The Yungborn…………………………………>>27
Sussanna Czeranko, ND, BBE
The Yungborn reflected a unified vision that
changed the world of health in the early 1900s.

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